Artist Statment

Doing my Work

As an artist, I always want to create something original, something new. I tell myself, "I'm going to make something new, something unordinary that stands out from others" I indulge myself when working. I want to make it enjoyable, something that makes an impact on myself and others, something that is remembered. This year, though, my art pieces do not reflect this. I am still pleased with the art I have created, but my art was mediocre at best. It is not moving or inspirational, though what is important about the art I made is the proposition was enjoyable. I made art, it is not groundbreaking, but it is art. I create art not for some purpose, not to find some groundbreaking deeper meaning, but for elation. I know art will not take me anywhere in life. Even now, this year is the last I will be doing any, but I must follow the concept that art is for enjoyment. I had fun making my art. I could work harder and could develop something extraordinary, still, that would ruin the art. Art is art in the reason that art makes life, to make life in oneself. It does not need to tell a fathomless story of great desolation. Art is simply art because it brings life to me. It creates art on paper and brings it to life as it brings me to life. I do not make art to change the world. I do it to find life in myself. Even if the art is not good, which it truly is not, it still brought me to life. 

Making Decisions

When using the materials I do in my work, I use them cause they look good. Even if my art is not seminal for the future, I still would like it to look decently pleasing to the eye. When choosing a topic, I want to make something simple and calming, so a simple and calming piece is what I made. I made a sunset with a Japanese undertone due to the tori gate I installed in the center. When making art, though, I will sometimes be ambitious. When making art, I usually sculpt a technique in which I input basic shapes into software and then continue to stretch and bend them into what I like. This is how I made the armor in the center of my piece, and I admit it honestly ruined my piece. When the scene was just the sunset and Tori Gate, it looked a lot better, it actually felt satisfying to look at and brought life to me when seeing the project I had made, but after the armor, it ruined it. So I create pieces that I want to look good, but I will get too ambitious and possibly even ruin my art. 

My Current Work

With my current work, I moved away from the Tori Gate Scene. I left it unfinished, which is disappointing, but I just determined I accomplished working on it. I created my first sculpture in the year, and it did not turn out horrible. It grew away from my prior works with the whole calming theme. This theme was different. I was sitting in class after realizing my mistake with my last piece, and the image popped into my head. I do not know why, but I wanted to make a piece where a finger gun shoots someone's head. It certainly was different, but it was simple and still enjoyable. I wanted to have fun again making art, and having fun is what I did. I made art for fun, and this year I achieved that goal. 


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